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Exploring New Joint Employer Rules

06 Feb

By: Ricardo Torres

PSLabor Talk

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Federal Government Hands Labor a Steak on a Silver Platter

The current Presidential administration has a longstanding reputation of being pro-union, but over the past year, they have made a strong push to overturn 50 years of labor law and turning the tables against employers by giving labor unions a tremendous advantage during representation campaigns. They have also shown signs that they intend to keep up their “good work” throughout this administration’s remaining months.

Ricardo Torres,
Clifford L. Hammond
Bob Carroll
Kellen T. Myers

Today on PSLaborTalk, we discuss these changes and how drastically they will affect employers if the rules are upheld after the storm of litigation settles. PSLabor’s Rick Torres and Bob Carroll are joined by Nemeth Law’s Clifford Hammond and Kellen Myers to provide their unique insights to these issues.

If these new rules and regulations do hold up, then employers (especially those who outsource work to temporary or contract workers) face far more than just union elections in their future, as there is a long list of employment law considerations that they will have to face and confront in order to remain compliant, while still trying to maintain productivity and communicate their policies and procedures withemployees.

These changes may not be quite as strong as the unions were hoping for with the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) attempt, but it is still a steak on a silver platter that provides unions with the resources necessary to rebuild their membership through a whole new way of thinking.

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