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06 Feb
When Will the Other Shoe Drop in the NLRB?

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has made many changes in recent times and is poised to makemany more in the latter part of 2011. They claim that the changes will make the election process “simpler” and “cleaner”. But behind this mask is a pro-labor mentality dead set on changing the landscape of union organizing efforts in America.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “When Will the Other Shoe Drop in the NLRB?”

06 Feb
US Union Membership Up Substantially In 2008, Study Shows
U.S. unionization levels rose substantially this year, defying a decade-long trend of decline, according to a report by UCLA’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “US Union Membership Up Substantially In 2008, Study Shows”

06 Feb
Union’s Tactics Escalate to Violence on the World’s Stage

Employees barricaded their bossesin an office to demand new negotiations as a result of 733 layoffs at afactory in Grenoble (Southern France). A manager of a factory, run by U.S. pharmaceutical company 3M, was held hostage for more than 24 hours last week. The boss of Sony France was detained overnight on March 12 byworkers seeking better redundancy packages. The CEO at Gucci was recently trapped in a makeshift prison that consisted of four walls thatworkers built with garbage cans.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Union’s Tactics Escalate to Violence on the World’s Stage”

06 Feb
Unions’ Miscalculation of the Obama Administration
On April 30th, the National Labor Relations Board announced their highly anticipated changes to current labor laws. Read on to find our take on the changes. Despite the sweeping new changes to election rules, Big Labor is still not satisfied. Read our Inside Edge™ article to find out how Unions miscalculated the Obama administration.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Unions’ Miscalculation of the Obama Administration”

06 Feb
Unions in Health Care Affect All Industries

As we move into the on-going battle with the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), both sides are drawing lines in the sand. An intense fight is being waged for each vote and thefight became more heated with the news that Al Franken won the Minnesota Senate race. The impact of unions in healthcare will affect everyone, no matter what industrial you work in.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Unions in Health Care Affect All Industries”

06 Feb
Unions Hit the Jackpot in Indian Casinos
A Peek Inside Labor Strategy and Organizing History

Due to unions’ long-term planning, even companies that think they are in “safe” industries can never quite tell if they will eventually become targets of organizing campaigns. A perfect example is provide by Indian gaming: after prolonged union pressure, even sovereign Indian nations are now subject to the NRLA and union organizing.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Unions Hit the Jackpot in Indian Casinos”

06 Feb
Unions Eating Their Own

Not even a month past Labor Day, the holiest of union holidays, and the unions are waging war. These warshave developed into a pattern. The SEIU-UHW and the newly formed National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) are raiding each other’s membership. This battle will have a direct effect on everyone, not just those in thehealthcare industry, in the form of healthcare quality and cost. In California, 43,000 Kaiser employees (and SEIU-UHW) members are voting onwhether to stay with the SEIU-UHW or become members of the NUHW union.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Unions Eating Their Own”

06 Feb
Unions Are Welcomed Back To The White House

Organized labor was officially welcomed back to the White House on Friday morning as President Obama signed three executive orders intended to reverse policies imposed by the Bush Administration regarding labor unions. The Executive orders require federal contractors to offer jobs to current workers when contracts change and make it more difficult for those contractors to impede union activity. Shortly after the signing Vice President Joe Biden turned to the audience filled with labor leaders and said “Welcomeback to the White House.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Unions Are Welcomed Back To The White House”

06 Feb
Unions Aiming at Hispanics and Getting Ready – Are You?

Years ago, as unions started losing their traditional members, they started targeting Latino workers for membership drives; they felt they were one of the most vulnerable ethnic groups and were an easy fix to stop their dwindling rank and filenumbers.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Unions Aiming at Hispanics and Getting Ready – Are You?”

06 Feb
Union Paradigm Shift
(Mergers and Membership)

Union mergers and large corporate campaigns are upon us once again.Unions know that their strengths are in unity and their chances of success are stronger when they merge together on projects, or better yeton a permanent basis. USWA President Leo W. Gerard stated at an International Executive Board in January 2008 that his goal for the next5 years (and his order to his district directors) is to direct efforts to merge independent unions and their members into the rank and file of the USWA.

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO
Read More “Union Paradigm Shift”

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