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06 May
Tim Singhel – General Counsel/Senior Consultant

Tim Singhel – Senior Consultant/Counsel

Tim Singhel is a traditional labor and employment relations counsel and business partner with more than 20 years’ experience working with companies both as an in-house leader and outside consultant. Throughout the course of his career, Tim has successfully opposed unionization both domestically and internationally – never having lost an election, negotiated numerous contracts across the country and across borders – never losing a vote, implemented and overhauled policies, developed training programs, led HR operations teams, and helped companies drive their missions and develop their human capital. His experience spans several industries, including healthcare and medical device, construction, manufacturing, retail, and service companies.
Tim graduated from college and law school striving for expertise in the law so he could help people understand the system and avoid conflict, figuring out why the fires start in the first place, not just be there to put them out when they do. After serving the country by being a federal law clerk for two years, Tim started private practice as a labor and employment attorney, partnering with organizations to fulfill their missions, and serving both their customers and employees by maintaining that direct connection with their workforces, so they could always be best in class and the employer for which everyone wants to work.

In an effort to become an even better business partner and servant leader, Tim spent the second half of his career as an in-house counsel and HR operations/compliance leader, and expanded his role beyond labor and employment law while always maintaining a strong connection to traditional labor relations matters both domestically and internationally. During this time, Tim not only honed his advisor skills, he also came to a greater understanding of business operations generally and working with cross-functional teams within companies at all levels.

Tim’s proven track record has engendered a keen understanding that although there are reasons why employees might want to unionize, fostering better communication, and caring about each employee’s development individually and as part of the overall team, creates a win/win relationship that is a far better means to those ends. Being part of the PSLC team allows Tim to bring his diverse experiences together with that philosophy for our clients’ advantage.

Tim graduated high honors in History with a BA from Colgate University in 1992, and from The College of William and Mary School of Law with a JD in 1995 where he was an Editor on the Law Review. He then clerked for a federal district court judge and a federal appeals court judge before starting private practice as a management side traditional labor relations and employment lawyer in 1997.

13 Jul
Doug Grima – Senior Consultant

Doug Grima – Senior Consultant

Doug Grima, Senior Consultant, joined Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants, Inc. in 2010. At PSLC, Doug is responsible for management/employee education, serves as a direct persuader in union campaigns, and provides 1st and 2nd chair negotiation services. With experience throughout the country, with virtually every union, Doug has an uncanny ability to quickly connect with workers and management and achieves the highest ratings
in client satisfaction.Ricardo worked with Richard Bensinger while he was the AFL-CIO’S National Organizing Coordinator to establish healthcare and non-healthcare organizing strategies at the Organizers Institute in Washington D.C. During this time, Ricardo worked and coordinated with many international unions including the UAW, CWA, SEIU, ILA/ILWU, IUOE, FCWA and the CNA. During his career within the unions Ricardo has worked on more than 1,000 campaigns nationally.

Doug has a background over 35 years of union experience, ranging from Committeeman, Employee Assistance Representative, Organizer, Shop Committee Chairman, and local union President. As Shop Committee Chairman, Doug negotiated many contracts for the union. As President of one of the largest amalgamated UAW locals in the country (UAW Local 174), he represented close to one hundred units and more than 7,000 members. Doug negotiated hundreds of contracts during his term as local President, in such industries as varied as manufacturing, assistant prosecutors, childcare services to firefighters, as well as employees of grant-funded non-profits. Due to his negotiation and organizing experience, Doug became very adept at working under pressure to meet deadlines and has never missed one.

During Doug’s time in the union, he learned that he had a propensity to develop healthy relationships with the management of the companies that he organized. As Doug came to the realization that the unions no longer had the same level of interest in employee job satisfaction as the majority of business owners and business leaders did, he began his journey to working with management. Ultimately, Doug left the unions and is now dedicated to assisting management in maintaining a union-free status while promoting best practices in positive employee relations.

Doug holds a master’s degree in Human Resources/Employee Relations, as well as Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, with a minor in Labor Studies.

13 Jul
Stephen Sestina – Vice President, Human Resource Services

Stephen Sestina – Vice President, Human Resource Services

With over 35 years dedicated to human resource management in union and non-union facilities, Stephen comes to PSLC with solid labor relations experience. He has participated in numerous election campaigns, work stoppages and labor negotiations across a variety of industries and unions. Most recently, Stephen led the charge on several mergers and acquisitions conducting the necessary “due diligence” for executive management.

Stephen has worked for several major national and global companies such as Quaker State, Monsanto, Akzo Nobel, WMX (formally Waste Management), Sanyo and most recently as the Vice President of Human Resources for Toyota Industries North America.

“I was attracted to Permanent Solutions’ global vision and commitment to cultivate positive work environments,” said Stephen. “I intend to apply my vast knowledge and experience to teaching and developing curriculum that will enable PSLC clients the best opportunity to strengthen internal communications between management and their subordinates.”

Over the course of his career, other positions held by Stephen include Director of Human Resources, Manager of Corporate Labor Relations, and Manager of Employee Relations.Stephen holds a BS in Business Administration and an MS in Human Resources Management.

13 Feb
Bob Carroll – Executive Vice President

Bob Carroll – Executive Vice President

Formerly a civil servant, Robert (Bob) Carroll dedicated nearly a decade of his career to a municipality-based fire service. During his tenure, Bob became entrenched within organized labor’s public sector, participating in organizing drives, card solicitation, election processes, and collective bargaining.

Following a distinguishing career in the fire service, Bob was encouraged to further his opportunities through private-sector Emergency Medical Services. Bob was instrumental in leading the organizing charge, which led to the unionization of the company. After being offered a position on the union’s organizing team, he became aware of some of the unscrupulous tactics used to organize his peers without his knowledge. For him, “Organizing the employees was supposed to be about improving life for his coworkers. Instead, the only priorities were building rank and file membership and driving dues money.” Once he realized the realities of unionism and the strategies and tactics used, Bob led a successful charge to decertify the union that he personally brought in.

From that point on, Bob realigned his priorities and began working within the leadership team, focusing on business development and the true opportunity to make a difference for the employees involved. Under Bob’s leadership, the company prospered exponentially, expanding operations into bordering states. While working with EMS leadership, he immersed himself in labor relations with a focus on positive employee relations and found it to be a personal passion.

Soon, Bob followed his heart; eagerly accepting a role with Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants. Today, he serves as Executive Vice President at Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants and is responsible for the day-to-day operations at PSLC as well as the growth and development of innovative service offerings that assist our clients in their efforts to promote positive employee relations without the need for third-party representation.

Bob has a proven track record when it comes to leading PSLC teams in union avoidance campaigns to victory and developing solutions for clients that eliminate their employees’ desire to unionize, while simultaneously increasing their engagement and productivity. He also delivers dynamic, proactive PSLC training programs to client, providing them with a safety net in case a union attempts to organize their employees by demonstrating effective management techniques and hands-on learning that can be utilized the moment the attendees walk out the door to their workforce.

13 Jan
Ricardo Torres – President & CEO

Ricardo Torres – President & CEO

Ricardo has lobbied with both The House of Representatives and the Senate in Washington D.C. for labor law changes and worked with Joint Council’s legislative departments throughout the country.  Additionally, Ricardo worked with union outreach programs in the UK and Latin American countries in Central and South America to help promote labor law change in economically struggling countries.

While working with the Steelworkers, Ricardo was an Organizing official, working on campaigns as well as corporate organizing campaigns in the glass, rubber, meatpacking, processing, retail, warehousing, steel and healthcare industries.

Ricardo was one of the officials  charged with developing the alliance between the United Steelworkers and the California Nurses Association and participate in the USW merge with the Canadian Retail Employees Union, in which Ricardo initiated organizing strategies across the USA and Canada.

Ricardo was also a representative on the USW Steel pack industrial pattern bargaining committee and Strike coordinator.

Ricardo coordinated  with Richard Bensinger on organizing strategies across the country while Richard served as a labor consultant for the USW. Bensinger who at one point servied as the AFL-CIO’S National Organizing Coordinator and worked to develop advanced healthcare and non-healthcare organizing strategies. Bensinger was instrumental in the  development of the George Meaney National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland.  The National Labor College was an independent institution of higher learning and had become fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and also served as the UAW organizing director under UAW President Bob King

During this time, Ricardo worked and coordinated with many international unions including the:

  • United Auto Workers (UAW)
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA)
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
  • International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILA/ILWA)
  • International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE)
  • Food Chain Workers Alliance (FCWA)
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC)
  • California Nurses Association (CNA)

During his career within the unions Ricardo has brought more than 1,000 campaigns nationally to election.

While working for the unions, Ricardo found that they cared more about money than the best interest of the workers they were supposed to represent. As these practices escalated, so did Ricardo’s desire to leave the unions.

When asked why he left the unions to help organizations remain union-free, two reasons always stand out. The first occurred during the Detroit Newspaper Strike, when a worker developed cancer. Ricardo suggested to the multiple union council of unions on strike that the worker should be allowed to cross the picket line to get his health benefits back. The council of unions refused, and the man eventually passed away due to his inability to get proper medical care. after many other incidents, the final straw was years later during a card check campaign when a union official asked Ricardo to order his organizers to threaten immigrant workers with deportation unless they signed cards for recognition.

Ricardo then decided to fight the unions for what he believed in: Better relationships between management and the workforce. Ricardo realized that there are better ways to help bridge the gap between management and employees, thus eliminating the desire for unionization. Ricardo views his job as preventing unionization before it happens and saving organizations the large amounts of money needed once unions are brought in, while at the same time fostering a work environment that promotes positive employee relations.

Ricardo formed Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants, Inc. in 2002. Since then, he has consulted many campaigns throughout the country. Permanent Solutions is at the forefront of union avoidance strategies including testifying before Congress against the union card check (HR800) bill.

Currently, Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants, Inc. has an astonishing 99%+ success rate since the formation of the firm. The key to this success is Ricardo’s past experiences with the unions. Ricardo not only brings his own insight, but also employs other former top-level union officials who share his values where he continues to share his experiences with his team from inside the union to maintain an incredibility high level of success

Ricardo has a B.S. in Labor Studies from Wayne State University and has often been a guest lecturer at Universities across the country including the University of Michigan’s Labor Studies program as well as on the labor speaker’s bureau.

He has also taught Labor Law as it applies to union organizing campaigns at the George Meaney National Labor College in MD and the USW, Linden Hall Labor Leadership Training Academy in Dawson PA.

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