Union Awareness Training for Management
PSLC’s Union Awareness Training for Management takes all levels of supervision (from front line supervisors to executive leadership) inside the union and demonstrates how you can avoid unionization through positive employee relations, knowledge of the National Labor Relations Act as it pertains to effectively running business operations and knowing who your workforce is.
This training is not typical “Union Avoidance 101” training. It is designed to see how the unions are able to infiltrate the workforce (often under supervision nose) and convince them to turn their backs on supervision to bring in third party representation. Once management understands this they can see how our Positive Employee Relations techniques will combat union advances while at the same time increasing employee satisfaction and productivity levels.
• Getting Inside the Union
• Understanding the Psychological Reasons Employees Seek Unions
• Understanding Modern Strategies and Tactics of the Union
• The National Labor Relations Act
• Understanding the NLRB Election Process
• How to Recognize the “Signs of Union Activity”
• Effective Reporting of Union Activity to Upper Management
• What You Can and Cannot Say to Employees
• Positive Employee Relations to Avoid Union Activity
• Positive Employee Relations to Win Campaigns
• Responding to Union Card Signing (If in a Pre-Petition situation)